PISTE Mid-Term Event ended, but the project never stops

The three-days PISTE mid-term event is over. These have been three very busy days with the Mid-Term PISTE Conference in Thessaloniki and the visit to the partner municipality of Voio for the Consortium Meeting the field visit to Pentalofos shelter for unaccompanied minors. Check our Gallery, for pictures of the events.

We would like to thank all contributors to the conference, that we think it has been a great success and really shed light on the state of the art about research and practices for immigrants’ participation and incorporation in Small- and Medium-Sized Towns in Europe. We also receive feedbacks from many of the participants and we will treasure them for our next events in Belgium and Germany.

Again we need to thank Solidarity Now for hosting our conference in Thessaloniki at their Blue Refugee Center, as well as HumanRights360 for the organisation of the conference. Another special thank also goes to the municipality of Voio, which opens its territory and its experience of reception to the PISTE project.

In the next months, policy experiments, workshops with stakeholders and new policy platforms will be organised in each field in order to feed the White Paper on Immigrants’ Participation in Small and Medium Sized Towns, that we will publish at the end of the project, and all other foreseen outputs. The contributions to the conference will be also organised in a new volume of our Migratowns series very soon.

The PISTE White Paper is out

The PISTE final event was a big success. After its ending, we are publishing in Open Access the White Paper of the project to continue disseminating our results.

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