Advisory board

Piste is a partnership between universities from different European countries.

The PISTE project is based on a partnership among eight actors with different backgrounds and from four Member States. It involves three academic institutions, one NGO and four municipalities, one for each field, mobilising research to inform actual practices at the local level.

Advisory board Project Partners

Have a look at our partners and all team members from Advisory board in this section.

Advisory Board Member
Irene Ponzo
Irene Ponzo is the Deputy Director of FIERI (Forum of International and European Research on Immigration, She completed her Ph.D. in Comparative Sociological Research at the University of Turin (Italy) in 2006. She is a member of the Editorial Board of the IMISCOE-Springer collection on Migration and of the Editorial Board of Mondi Migranti. She has been involved in many European projects, four of which carried out in the framework of the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation 2014-2020 (Horizon2020). Her main research interests are migrant integration and integration policies. Over the last years, she has mainly worked on asylum seekers’ reception and integration.


Elizabeth Beloe

Dr. Elizabeth Beloe is a social and cultural anthropologist. She is CEO of moveGLOBAL and she is the chair of the Federal Association Networks of Migrant Organizations  e.V.  (NeMo). In addition, she is in the Management team of the successful project samo.faPlus (Strengthening of activists from migrant organizations in the refugee work) with 31 locations nationwide. Her work and research focuses on migration and international affairs cooperation, sustainable development strategies, education for sustainable development, integration and conflict management. She represents BV NeMO in national and European bodies, in ministries and in working groups. (from


Tihomir Sabchev

Tihomir Sabchev is a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Ottawa Refugee Hub. His current research focuses on the Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program and the settlement of sponsored refugee newcomers in Canada. In the period 2017-2021, Dr. Sabchev was a member of the ‘Cities of Refuge’ team at Utrecht University, where he completed his PhD titled ‘Local authorities, human rights, and the reception and integration of forced migrants in Greece and Italy’. His work has been published in the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, the Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, and Territory, Politics, Governance, among others. (from


Landry Mawungu
Landry Mawungu is Coordinator of Valorisation at the Hannah Arendt Institute.
