Policy experiments
Bebra, Germany
Post-migration “Future search conference”
The aim is to develop a participatory, generation-, gender- and age-appropriate urban development policy, that includes vulnerable groups and migrants from different communities, so to enable political participation of migrants. This will be done by applying a post-migration approach, that no longer categorise migrants of any generation as a distinct category.
Fermignano, Italy
Direct and indirect voicing of local immigrant communities through the implementation of voicing tools within a local Immigrant Office
The goal is to create and enhance tools for the direct and indirect participation of groups and associations from an immigrant background via a dedicated desk at the municipal Immigrant Office of Fermignano. This aim should be pursued along two main paths: first, mechanisms to include immigrants’ perspective and voice in the (re-)definition and monitoring of the Office’s tasks should be developed; second, the tasks themselves of the Office should be integrated to consider tools for the upscaling of local immigrant communities’ voice to relevant upper level institutions that are usually hard-to-reach for them.
Civic orientation and empowerment of teenage migrant girls
The goal of the experiment is to address the needs of the unaccompanied minors in integration, personal development and the public expression of their needs. It will involve inhabitants of the Pentalofos shelter, as well as social workers and NGO representatives from the region, including sessions for the formulation of individual plans and for the detailed assessment of
needs, civic orientation classes and self-advocacy workshops. The structure of the experiment will be further discussed and designed within the second Greek LNPP.